Source code for src.api.recommend

import sqlalchemy
from flask import (
    Blueprint, abort, jsonify, request, current_app

from src.recommender.wrappers import Context
from src.data_interface import model

bp = Blueprint("recommend", __name__)

[docs]@bp.route("/recommend/item/<int:item_id>", methods=("GET",)) def item(item_id): # Get infos on the current item try: active_item = model.Movie.query\ .filter( == item_id)\ .one() genre_names = model.Genre.query\ .with_entities(,\ .filter(\ .all() active_item_dict = active_item.as_dict() active_item_dict["genres"] = genre_names except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: abort(404) # Prepare for recommendations r = current_app.reco c = Context( item=active_item, page_type=request.args.get("page_type") ) # add browsing history session_id = request.args.get("session_id") if session_id: c.history = current_app.tracker.get_views_history( "history:{0}".format(session_id), n=5 ) # Generate recommendations recommendations = r.recommend(context=c) # Compute the response res = jsonify( active_item=active_item_dict, recommendations=recommendations ) return res
[docs]@bp.route("/recommend/session/<session_id>", methods=("GET",)) def session_recommendations(session_id): r = current_app.reco c = Context( page_type=request.args.get("page_type") ) c.history = current_app.tracker.get_views_history( "history:{0}".format(session_id), n=5 ) recommendations = r.recommend(context=c) if c.history and c.page_type in {"you", "home"}: for item_id in c.history: active_item = model.Movie.query\ .filter( == item_id)\ .one() c.item = active_item recommendations.append( r.recommend( context=c, restrict_to_engines=["OneHotMultiInput"])[0] ) res = jsonify( session_id=session_id, recommendations=recommendations ) return res
[docs]@bp.route("/recommend/user/<user_id>", methods=("GET",)) def user(user_id): r = current_app.reco c = Context( page_type=request.args.get("page_type") ) try: user = model.User.query\ .filter(model.User.username == user_id)\ .one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: user = None if user: c.user = user c.history = current_app.tracker.get_views_history( "history:{0}".format(user.username), n=3 ) recommendations = r.recommend(context=c) if c.history and c.page_type == "you": for item_id in c.history: active_item = model.Movie.query\ .filter( == item_id)\ .one() c.item = active_item recommendations.append( r.recommend( context=c, restrict_to_engines=["OneHotMultiInput"])[0] ) res = jsonify( active_user=user_id, recommendations=recommendations ) return res